From project assessment to your profit one step at a time.
  • Origination

    Solid Oak looks for investment opportunities and conducts risk assessments and due diligence.

    STEP 1
  • Offer/Campaign

    Solid Oak creates an investment offer/campaign

    STEP 2
  • Sharing/Marketing

    The offer is shared with and marketed to the public.

    STEP 3
  • Investment Goal

    People invest their money and the investment goal is met.

    STEP 4
  • Investing

    Funds are channeled and ‘put to work’ and produces yield

    STEP 5
  • Yield/Reinvest

    Investor withdraws their yield or reinvests in other investment offerings.

    STEP 6


Starting your journey towards a brighter financial future
is easier than you think.
  • 1Great investment opportunities are offered around the world. How do you find the right one for you?

  • 2Solid Oak Financial researches and investigates thousands of investment opportunities and carefully and diligently selects only those that are low risk and high yield.

  • 3Those vetted investments are then placed into Solid Oak's highly successful investing platform.

  • 4Each investment has a financial goal, deadline, and predetermined use of funds.

  • 5Members of Solid Oak's Highly Successful Investor's Network can access all of the selected investment opportunities through the website and choose any that they feel are a good fit for them.

  • 6Members then select the amount they would like to invest. It can be as little as $1,000!

  • 7Once the financial goal has been met, no more investors can participate. The investment is now LIVE!

  • 8Your funds start producing a yield! Our investments consistently earn double digit returns.

  • 9The returns you make can either be sent directly to you or added to your principal investment. You can then withdraw your yield, or reinvest in another project to earn even more!

  • 10Financial independence is achieved by people of all backgrounds, income ranges or levels of investing experience. Only with Solid Oak Financial.


Starting your journey towards a brighter financial future is easier than you think.
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now it’s up to you

If you’re this far down the page and still not convinced, then long term wealth may not be your thing
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